Millennial Lawyers Explain Why They Flock to New York’s Midsize Firms

Presented by: New York Law Journal

Jonathan Fitzgarrald

The leaders of New York’s midsize law firms say they are uniquely suit-ed to give millennials meaningful work, recognition for their accomplishments and a better work/life balance—all values that studies show are attractive to that generation.

In a series of interviews, mil-lennials who abandoned larger and smaller law firms in search of more satisfying jobs say they have found midsize firms to be, so to speak, the happy medium. And midsize firms because of their ability to change more rapidly are reaping the benefits, said Jonathan Fitzgarrald, manag-ing partner at Equinox Strategy Partners, which advises law firms about generational issues.

“Millennials are trying to under-stand why something that on its face looks archaic is being done over and over by really smart, intellectual people,” Fitzgarrald said. “I think that’s good for busi-ness because it keeps law firms evolving. It keeps law firms pro-gressing. It stops them from just stagnating.”

Of course, all millennials do not think alike, but there are certain values they share according to studies by Price-waterhouseCoopers, Deloitte and other firms. Millennials do not want to sacrifice everything to be a partner one day, and some don’t want to become a partner at all. They want to have a positive impact, spend time with their family and friends and pursue hobbies.

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