Workshops, Retreats and Off-sites

Offsites, Retreats and Keynote Speeches
Equinox Strategy Partners offers interactive, group training sessions and workshops on a variety of business development, client service and marketing topics.
More than educational, our programs move professionals to action to ensure topics discussed do not expire at the close of the session but continue on to the future.
Some of our most popular topics include:
- Business Development Bad Habits…and How to Cure Them
- Overcoming the Fears of Business Development
- The Generational Divide: Strategies for Leveraging Talent at all Levels
- Professional Persuasion – Powerful Techniques for Getting Your Way More Often
- Resilience – THE Key Factor to Your Ongoing Success
- People Are Watching! How Your Reputation Affects Your Success
- Leveraging LinkedIn for Business
- Time Management Strategies for the Overwhelmed Practitioner
- Differentiation – Your Defense Against Commoditization
- The Critical Role of Trust
- How to Turn PR Activities into New Business Opportunities Strategy: The Secret Recipe – 5 Game
- Changing Client Development Techniques
We can also collaborate with you on custom topics and a variety of timing formats to make your event dynamic.
For more information on how we can work with you/your firm, please reach out to us by emailing Jonathan Fitzgarrald.