Fostering Associate Growth Is the Best Way to Grow Your Practice
Presented by: ABA Business Law Section

May 11, 2022
In our work as a business development coach and trainer, many of my experienced attorney clients have been complaining to me that they are struggling to incorporate business development activities into an already active practice inundated with client demands. Top that with record high numbers of associates quitting (more than one in four in 2021 according to the ABA Journal), and investing in genuine and meaningful relationships with the associates in your firm has never been more important.
Good associates help you provide your clients with high-quality work, allow you to scale your practice, and can alleviate you from performing mundane tasks, thus providing you with newly found time to be intentional and proactive about the kind of work you want more of. A focus on associate development can be directly related to your future success as a partner. And with both the shift to remote and hybrid work arrangements and the cultural changes in expectations around work among younger generations, there are new challenges and considerations attorneys need to think about while working with junior colleagues.